Catalogue Auction Information

Dibone Engineering (#12614)
07/08/2023 12:00 AM GMT - 14/12/2023 3:42 PM GMT
Starts Ending 14/12/2023 2:02 PM GMT

Click image to enlarge
  • Mitutoyo Bore Gauges
  • Mitutoyo Bore Gauges - 2

Lot 192Mitutoyo Bore Gauges


Mitutoyo Bore Gauges

Please note that your bid on this lot will be subject to an additional 18% Buyers Premium + local rate VAT.
Location: Oldbury, Birmingham

Lot closed - Winning bid:N/A

Dibone Engineering (#12614)
07/08/2023 12:00 AM GMT - 14/12/2023 3:42 PM GMT
Starts Ending 14/12/2023 2:02 PM GMT